Damiano PeNov 2, 2021The Difference Between const int * And int *constAn easy way to remember whether it is the pointed value or the address stored in the pointer variable to be constant is to read the...
Damiano PeOct 23, 2021The Correct Return Type Of main()The return type of main must be int, not void. It returns zero to indicate successful termination, otherwise a non-zero value for an...
Damiano PeOct 23, 2021Never Use gets To Read A Linegets is a deprecated function which can cause buffer overflows, use fgets insted.
Damiano PeOct 23, 2021How To Remove Trailing Newline Character From fgets InputLet's say we have to process a text file line by line, and we have to make sure that the line we are processing does not end with a newline
Damiano PeOct 23, 2021How To Properly Compare StringsIn C, we can't compare strings with == or !==. We have to use functions declared in the string.h header file. Let's see why and how to do it
Damiano PeOct 23, 2021How To Get The Size Of An ArraySometimes we want to know the size or the number of elements of an array, perhaps because we want to create a for loop that processes...
Damiano PeOct 23, 2021Declaration VS Definition: What's The DifferenceIn C and C ++, we must understand the difference between declaration and definition. Studying these languages, we often hear about them...